Outdoor Ceiling Fans Make Summer a Breeze

Quorum wet-rated outdoor ceiling fan Have you ever noticed that all it takes is a slight breeze to make a hot day tolerable? That’s the chilling effect when perspiration evaporates. Before you finish that back porch or patio, consider adding a damp-rated or [...]


The answer is YES....lighting affects every aspect of our lives from home to work, inside and out, from when we play to when we sleep. How safe we feel, how easy we read, how hard we squint, lighting effects it all but we take it for [...]

2011-12-22T23:26:36-05:00By |

Why Not Big Box Stores?

We all have done it before. walked right into a Home Depot, Lowes, or any other large box store.... walk right up to a teenager & asked " will this work with this?" or "what is a better brand?" Now don't get me wrong. I [...]

2017-01-06T10:34:33-05:00By |

Retail Lighting????

Retail Lighting The lighting you have in your retail store is an important part of the success of that store, even though many people might not realize its full importance.  If your store is too dark, people won’t be able to see all the merchandise [...]

2017-01-06T10:34:33-05:00By |
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